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Test Kit 1 - Gallic Acid Reagent Set

Marquis Reagent, Liebermann Reagent, Froehde Reagent, Gallic Acid Reagent. MDAM testing, Ecstasy test, XTC test,

Full Product Description:

Reagent Test Kit - £10.95: Marquis reagent, Froehde reagent, Gallic Acid reagent & Liebermann Reagent.


The best "proof" of MDMA (MDxx) on it's own is Gallic Acid reagent as it only reacts to a very few chemicals either MDxx, or chemicals in the MDxx synthesis, and should be considered the starting test if testing for MDMA (MDxx). If the sample turns green then there is MDxx present. It will also show the presence of Speed by indicating a pink colour response.


Over 2mL per reagent bottle, generally ~ 2.25mL


Over 70 single drop test per standard reagent


We use Enhanced ultra-discreet packaging for all our deliveries


MARQUIS Reagent (RED): 

Presumptive identification of Amphetamine-type compounds (Speed etc) including Methamphetamine, MDMA (Ecstasy), MDA, MDE, Opiates (Morphine, Codeine or Heroin), a general screening agent for other drugs e.g. Research Chemicals etc.

  • Can test for the presence of about 110 different substances in total


FROEHDE Reagent (GREY): 

Froehde reagent is used as a simple spot-test to presumptively identify alkaloids, especially opioids, as well as other compounds (Research Chemicals etc). 

  • Can test for the presence of about 108 different substances in total



For the distinction of MDMA, MDA and MDEA, MDP2P, Safrole, opium etc

  • Can test for the presence of about 29 different substances in total



It is generally used to test for cocaine, morphine, PMA and PMMA, MDMA, Research Chemicals etc. It is generally used to test for cocaine, morphine, PMA and PMMA, MDMA, certain substances from the 2C and other Research Chemicals etc. Used as a secondary test that tells the difference between methamphetamine and amphetamine, between MDMA and MDA or between methylone and MDPV.

  • Can test for the presence of about 180 different substances in total


Kit contains:

  • 4 Reagent dropper bottles

  • Instructions


  • Select a Reagent bottle – wear protective gloves

  • Remove the cap slowly & carefully & invert bottle directly over where you want to undertake the test

  • Gently squeeze one/two drops out of the bottle onto a white freshly cleaned (dry) CERAMIC (only) plate/dish/bowl – not patterned (CD’s work ok as well). If a colour reaction is seen before test substance was added the surface was not clean!

  • Wipe any excess from the cap area with a damp cloth – remember it is primarily acid – before replacing the cap firmly.

  • Scrape a tiny bit of your pill/powder (~6 salt sized grains) so it falls on to the reagent. No chunks or sugar granular sized grains

  • Observe the colour change right away i.e. any initial colour and any change up to a max of 1 minute (unless otherwise stated)

  • Repeat using a different Reagent with a new sample of your pill/powder.


Please read our section on Testing on the Overview page for more info on how to test and how to not test. As well as how to obtain better/more reliable test results.


An alternative method is to scrape a tiny bit of your pill/powder (~6 salt sized grains) and then add the reagent doing this may produce a slightly different visual result, which may be advantageous


Always use the safety gloves (provided).


If too much substance has been added and flooding occurs, and if there is room, GENTLY tilt the test surface so that a “tear” is produced. This will disperse the reacting liquid and make it easier to see the colour produced especially on a white background. However, do not let the “tear” get contaminated with other test drops or substances on test surface.


Use the substance/colour tables to interpret your results can be found under the Test Results Tables tab.


NOTE: These Reagents cannot give an indication of Purity, or Quantity of a Substance, they can only check for the Presence of a Substance. Some colours may be masked due to other substances present hence the benefit of different test Reagents.


Use the descriptive charts found at Enix 150 Reagent Tables for each of the individual Reagents for a comprehensive list of chemical/colour results


Most reagents are primarily concentrated acid with other potentially dangerous chemicals and are strong enough to burn skin and clothing. Keep out of eyes and mouth. Wear gloves (supplied) when handling the bottle and cap. Wear protective eyewear. Never point towards face etc. If you get some on you/clothing, then immediately wash with soap and water. Wash testing surfaces with soap and water as well. Dispose of any unwanted reagent down the sink with running water and possibly baking soda (and ventilate). Store all testing kits away from any heat in a cool, dark place between uses. Keep well away from children. Do not ingest and avoid inhalation. Always use in a well ventilated area.


Wash, with water, and dry safety gloves if they have any liquid on.



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